Install stellarphot for development

  1. Fork a copy of the repository on github: go to and click the "Fork" button
  2. On your fork click the green code button and copy the URL.
  3. Change directory to where you want to folder with the code to be: cd name_of_folder
  4. Make a copy of stellarphot on your computer: git clone url_for_your_fork
  5. Change directory to stellarphot: cd stellarphot
  6. Add link to "official" copy: git remote add upstream
  7. Check that your remotes are set up: git remote -v
    1. You should see two remotes, one called origin and one called upstream
  8. Fetch info about all of the remotes: git fetch --all
  9. Set the "official" copy of the "main" branch to the upstream copy: git branch -u upstream/main